Wednesday 16 July 2014

Two blog posts in one must be summertime!

Well the other day, the boyfriend said he needed to get a frame for a picture of us from my sister's wedding.  However...I got thinking.....and I told him not to worry, I'd come up with something.

Picture frames are a fantastic gift for anybody, and there are a million ways to make them personal! All you need is a quote and some art and craft supplies!

For this particular frame, I got the picture idea from something I saw online....and found the quote online as well....but I drew it out on the wooden frame and grabbed by wood burning kit and burned away. Of course I had to be super careful though...because I usually used the tapered tip for writing....and guess what decided to break as I was in the middle of working away?  That is correct...the tapered tip.....and, in a rush I went to Michaels, but they were out of those replacement I had to make do with another tip.

Now, because I'm a perfectionist, I may have "goofed up" on the first one and redid it entirely...

But, either way, I'm definitely happy with the end result!  And, my boyfriend loved it!  The best part of this project?  The frame is only $1.50!

And now back to painting...


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